橡 皮擦's profile

Let‵s make things better






Let‵s make things better

Mitch Albom said,” All endings are beginnings, we just do not know it at the time.”
Death is not the end of life. We could choose to do organ donation to help people those in need at the end of life. In recent years , organ donation has become an important issue in many countries. In the Case of Taiwan, there are more than eight thousand people waiting for 114 organ donor’s help in 2016. Apparently, the supply does not meet the demand. We discover that most Taiwanese people know nothing about organ donation’s details after doing the research.

In order to introduce the correct concept of organ donation, we create a comic book so that could help Taiwanese people to to know more about organ donation in a different way. The era of organ donation is our topic. The main idea of this topic is to promote the correct concept of organ donation to Taiwanese people.

Comic books, posters, and other accessories are our main products. The comic books divide into four parts, include the history of organ donation, donors per million population (pmp) in each country, the way to register the organ donation and how to do it. We use warm colors to present the meaning and warm of organ donation. Furthermore, the posters use risograph to print out.

Hope this project can arouse more people in Taiwan to concern about the issue of organ donation. The more people care about this issue, the more life will carry on.
Let‵s make things better

The era of organ donation’s main idea is to use comic books to promote the organ donation.
We use specially printed posters and related products to make this project.
Hope that we could use a different way to promote the correct concept of organ donation to Taiwanese people, and let this concept could keep carrying on.

Front cover of comic book
Page content of comic

 The content of comic
The posters use risograph to print out
The posters use risograph to print out
The posters use risograph to print out
Let‵s make things better

Let‵s make things better

The era of organ donation’s main idea is to use comic books to promote the organ donation. We use specially printed posters and related products Read More
